After tremendous success of IPL 1, its time for IPL 2. IPL 2 is a month long T 20 Extravaganza featuring the best cricket players around the globe. After much of drama surrounding the venue of the tournament, IPL 2 is set to kick start in the picturesque country of South Africa. The seamer friendly pitches of South Africa will make it an interesting contest between the bat and the ball. This will come as a big change, compared to the previous version of IPL held in batsman friendly flat tracks of India. The Indian crowds have always been crazy about cricket and cricket is considered as a religion in India. The huge crowds of India will be missed, and along with it the huge money generated via ticket sales. This time the entire nation will be glued to their TV screens to catch up their favourite players and support their respective teams. IPL 2 is set to break the records in term of money making, via advertising and other sponsorship rights. Will Rajasthan Royals led by Shane Warne retain their title or will there be a new champion is the question which will be answered on 24th may 2009 at the Wanderers. Till then its going to be breathtaking and exhilarating cricket. Hope you have a good time enjoying your cricket.

For more information about the tournament CLICK HERE
For match schedules CLICK HERE
IPL 2 T 20 is telecasted live on Sony Set Max in India. Check your local listing for timings.


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